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"Lady O"

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First, play this shamanic soundtrack Oriah created. Here. 

Second, decide if this is the type of experience you are looking for. 

This is an all-female born sacred shamanic healing experience with Shaman Oriah Mirza, who has led groups of people, women, and individuals for over 10 years and 25 years total in the healing arts, metaphysical work, and life coach. A successful author, co-host of a popular YouTube show with their husband, Psychic Riz Mirza, and over 440k subscribers and counting, Oriah is always sharing her wisdom. Every ounce of what she has learned in thousands of ceremonies is given to you. 

Mother of five children and in her life has overcome all major PTSD situations that life can offer you, Oriah has transmuted and found love, gratitude, and grace for all of it. But, sometimes words are not enough; sometimes, you must go deep. Sometimes, you need to allow yourself to let go and be guided into different dimensions so you can purge and release...and surrender. This is your opportunity. 

To host and bring your own group of women (minimum 6), or to join an existing group, reach out to Erika at $898

We come to you. We host worldwide. ​​​

Just a snippet of what people are saying...
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Have you ever wanted to talk to Lady O,
host of Meta Mystic Podcast?

With over 440,000 subscribers and counting, this popular YouTube podcast joins husband Psychic Medium Riz Mirza every Sunday Night to talk one-on-one on Live Chat to a global audience and answer their metaphysical and psychic questions.


This is your opportunity! For a short time, only she is opening her schedule to take a few bookings. Oriah is a long-time experienced shaman, life coach, metaphysician, intuitive, empath, lecturer, author, and global speaker.


She is taking one-hour calls to speak for a very limited time one-on-one with you about any topic regarding your spiritual growth, ascension, healing, sensitivities, and many other topics.


Her intuitive abilities, vast knowledge, and over 25 years of experience will help you activate and put you on the right path to answer your questions.



$300/ hr

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Oriah Hera Mirza is an accomplished author, speaker, shaman, and trauma life coach. As a mother of five, she brings a wealth of personal experience to her work. An alien experiencer, intuitive empath, and futurist, Oriah offers hope and insight into the conscious evolution of humanity.

Married to renowned master trance channel and psychic medium Riz Mirza, Oriah has shared her wisdom at Women's Leadership conferences, workshops, group retreats, and one-on-one private sessions worldwide for over a decade. She co-hosts the popular YouTube podcast, Meta Mystic, with Riz, where they explore paranormal phenomena and spiritual growth.

Together, Oriah and Riz are the founders of Red Eagle Universal Inc., a private production and spiritual tour company in operation since 2010. They specialize in creating original content, including live events, online media, and books, and are the producers of the episodic series Paranormal Roadtrip East Coast. They also lead international retreats to sacred sites and embark on paranormal road trip adventures for their podcasts. Frequently featured as guests on various podcasts, Oriah and Riz bring their spiritual insights to a broad audience. They live with their two cats and a toy Yorkie.



Oriah Mirza is a host, podcaster, author, speaker, shaman, and, trauma life coach, entrepreneur. An alien experiencer, intuitive empath, and futurist Oriah gives humanity hope in understanding the conscious evolution on the planet. Married to renowned and top full trance channel and psychic medium Riz Mirza. Oriah has spoken around the world in Women's Leadership conferences, workshops, group retreats, and one-on-one private sessions for over a decade. She considers herself an intuitive empath and futurist. Oriah is a mom of five children, a passionate food & health advocate and is a native of Los Angeles, CA. 

From Oriah:


I can't really say I grew up and lived a normal life. Each chapter of my life felt like a full lifetime or a movie, which I know is hard to believe but true, and the thriller, sci-fi, action-packed, dark comedy-drama kind. I've shared my story before, and people start checking out less than halfway through because they cannot believe I survived any of it. Neither can I, but here I am! The natural course of action has been for me to help people understand how not to give up, how to find other ways to find solutions....and, bottom line, how to find peace in your journey.

And if they are so inclined, I will share the mystical, magical and other-worldy side of life. 

I have been a life coach for 20 years, an entrepreneur since 2003. I raised five children, healed numerous ailments, recovered from several divorces and spent the last decade taking groups on international sacred tours with my husband Riz. I helped him create, and we both own and operate our metaphysical center for over a decade and both serve the community as shamans, speakers, authors, video content creators, producers, and more. 

Finding Merlin tells a tale of venturing deep within, not just through forests and mythical realms, but into your soul's vast, hidden chambers. It's a journey of uncovering the potent magic that sleeps within, awoken by a reverence for the world's wonder, the kind Merlin embodies.


Step into your personal "Forest of Dreams," “The Enchanted Forest,” or “The Forest of Many Names,” where the elements and creations dance and interact with you, unveiling your own deep mysteries within. Here, you realize you're not just the hero or the villain, the human or the otherworldly, but a magnificent tapestry woven from both. Release the limitations of identity and follow the magical trails, sensing Merlin's presence with every step. 

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New Book, out Dec 2024

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حول أوراكل أوريا

عاطفة حدسية معلم الحكمة ،

المؤلف وشمان

مرحبًا بكم في قطعة الجنة الصغيرة الخاصة بي! زوجي نفسية متوسطة ونشوة قناة ريز ميرزا  لقد خدمت منطقة لوس أنجلوس الكبرى ودوليًا كشامان ومتصوفة ومعالجين لأكثر من عقد. كلانا لديه قصص لا تصدق عن حياتنا أنه كان علينا أن نعالج أنفسنا من خلال الصدمات ، والخسارة ، وأكثر من ذلك. من خلال نشوة Riz التي تقوم بتوجيه Spirit Guides بشكل خاص وعلني في مجموعات كبيرة إليّ ، كما عملت جنبًا إلى جنب معه (وكذلك المرشدين أنفسهم) لقيادة الأشخاص في رحلات الشامانية لسنوات عديدة جنبًا إلى جنب مع سنوات التدريب التي أمضيتها في حياتي ، أصبحت عضوًا محترفًا متعاطفًا. مدرس الحكمة ، مهنة لم يقرها المجتمع السائد بعد.


أنا أعتبر نفسي مُستقبليًا ، ومعلمًا للحكمة يعمل فقط مع المعتقدات الجديدة والمستقبلية من أجل تفكير جديد منتعش وقوي. أعيش تعاليمي ، وأشارك القصص الشخصية جنبًا إلى جنب مع كيف يمكنك تغيير حياتك بسهولة.

نحن ما زلنا على الهامش ، أليس كذلك؟ لكن توقعي أن هذه الأنواع من المهن ستكون المصادر الرئيسية للتعليم والشفاء للعالم في المستقبل. بسبب الطلب ، أصبحت الوسائل التقليدية للشفاء والعلاج محدودة ويبحث الناس عن المزيد. لمعرفة ما نقوم به على نطاق أوسع.  

لقد أسسوا شركتهم الإعلامية والإنتاجية Red Eagle Universal Inc التي تضم شركة نشر. لديهم مقاطع فيديو على الإنترنت ، ووسائط اجتماعية ، وكتب ، ونصوص ، وتعاليم حكمة صوتية. إنهم يقومون بأحداث حية وخلوات في جميع أنحاء العالم. لمعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل حول ما تفعله أوريا ، وكتبها ، يرجى الانتقالهنا.

لمشاهدة لقاء فضائي خارج كوكب الأرض ، اذهب هنا.

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