The Circle of Light

Guidance from the Spirit Guides
The Circle of Light with Riz Mirza is a transformative experience where participants connect with higher wisdom through Riz's channeling. Attendees often describe these sessions as profound, offering deep insights and spiritual guidance.
Riz, a renowned Psychic Medium & Master Trance Channel, is one of the only psychic medium/full trance channel/shamans that is known to channel publicly to live gatherings and online groups and give personal individual messages to each person regarding their soul path and answering their personal questions while in trance through various Spirit Guides.
The Circle of Light is a private channeling circle held for groups of ten or more, providing an intimate and powerful setting for personalized messages and collective healing.
These sessions cover health, soul paths, mental health, career, and personal growth, providing accurate and profound insights.
For 15 years, Riz’s weekly live and in-person channeled spirit gathering has helped humanity answer every type of human concern.
From individuals who want to explore their spiritual path, to individuals who are experiencing extreme trauma and pain in their life, people come to the Circle of Light to receive wisdom, support, and clarity about their soul path, their situation, and most importantly how to surrender to their Higher Selves and their highest potential. A one-of-a-kind event.
This exclusive opportunity allows your group to experience the incredible impact of the Circle of Light in a private and focused environment.
Contact info@rizmirza.com
for booking information.

Риз изпада в дълбок транс и се оттегля в себе си, докато главните духовни водачи говорят през тялото му с любов, мъдрост и мощно пронизващо прозрение. Неговият основен носител на послание, Red Eagle, незабравимо любящо присъствие, отговаря на вашите лични въпроси във всеки аспект от живота ви.
Повече от 15 години Mystic
Риз Мирза насочва многобройни духовни водачи, които са помогнали за излекуването и повдигането на хиляди хора в над 2800 канализирани събирания на живо в пълен транс, наречени Кръгът на светлината с над 8000 часа документирани и записани сесии на големи групи на седмична база.
Преписите са достъпни онлайн за някои минали събирания.
Psychic Medium and Trance Channel Riz Mirza has trance channeled live in front of groups of 25-40 people consecutively for over a decade delivering accurate messages while channeling to people regarding their health, soul path, mental health, career, personal growth, and any questions they may have. Riz is considered one of the most sought-after Trance Channels and Psychic Mediums and is an author of channeled books, and has been on countless podcasts. He has been compared to Jane Roberts channeling Seth. Riz has channeled hours at a time, and has reached 5 hours at his longest channeling sessions to sold-out yoga studios in US and abroad.
Никой друг транс канал в историята не е правил това или е документиран да прави транс като този.
Риз е една от най-чувствителните антени в човешката форма, която позволява директна комуникация от по-висок интелект в други измерения.
Тестван от много експерти в областта, като ученици на Джейн Робъртс и много Spirit Medium Students и други Trance Channels. Неговата точност и доставка са най-точните и най-практичните приложими съвети и най-напредналите в света по отношение на живот и препрограмиране за по-здравословен живот с високи вибрации.
Музикант и бивш хеви метъл певец, Riz е Богът баща на Trance Channeling. Ози Озбърн от света на психиката.ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ СТАТИЯ, НАПИСАНА ЗА ЧЕНЪЛИНГА НА ТРАНС
Ascended Spirit Guides that Riz Channels
Riz has channeled many beings in history and non-earthly dimensions. All were recorded in front of a live audience. The witnesses all attest to the supernatural effect, the accuracy and the vibrant love from all of the profound messages. Some names have repeated their visit and some, only once. Many have been transcribed and yet, more have yet to be. The names considered 'fantasy/mythological' are conscious energies that have been channeling to humankind since the beginning. These beings are only channeled in public gatherings and interviews, not personal readings.
Red Eagle
Elijah (Elias)
Thomas Jefferson
Serapis Bey
Johann Sebastian Bach
Ezra the scribe
Nicolaus Copernicus
Phineas Quimby
Celtic Cernunnos
Edgar Allen Poe
Jane Roberts
Robert Louis Stevenson
Archangel Gabriel
Thomas Edison
King Arthur
Charlie Chaplin
The Echelon
Charles Dickens
Archangel Raphael
Emperor Titus
Queen Guinevere
Princess Diana (book/transcribed)
Helen Keller (book/transcribed)
Goddess Tara
Babe Ruth
Anne Boleyn
Leopold Mozart
Hans Christian Andersen
Albert Einstien
Johnathan Swift
St. Andrew
Archangel Metatron
Water Goddess Niya
St. Germain
Martha Washington
King Alfred
Poet Langston Hughes
Calamity Jane
Williams Wordsworth
Abraham Lincoln & Mary Todd Lincoln
Da Vinci
Martha Washington
Prophet Ezekiel
Master Hilarion
Francisco Ignacio Alcina
Nikola Tesla
Madam Blavatsky
Henry Ford
Besty Ross
Goddess Niya
Goddess Tara
"The Friends" Alien group
William Shakespeare
Albert Einstein
Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Graham Bell
Archangel Uriel
King Charlemagne
Anne Boleyn
Inayat Khan
George Washington
Egyptian Goddess Isis
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Paul Revere
Celtic Goddess Ostara
Quan Yin
King Edward
Plus, many, many more...